Section: Dissemination

Academic teaching

Master Biostatistics

Jointly with Montpellier 1, Montpellier 2 Universities and Agro-Montpellier.

Yann Guédon teaches the stochastic modeling course ( http://www.agro-montpellier.fr/um2/um1/masterbiostatistique ). This involves 21h of M2 classes. He participated to the jury of this Master.

Other Master Classes

  • Christophe Godin was co-responsible for a Master class on 'Ecophysiology and plant modeling' with participation of Yann Guédon, Christophe Pradal and Christian Fournier in Montpellier SupAgro (15h).

  • Christophe Godin and Yann Guédon and Etienne Farcot gave 9h of lecture in visio conference for a Master (M1) on plant development and modeling in Dakar, Senegal.

  • Christophe Godin gave a 4h lecture in a Master class (M2) on Plant modeling in the Master Biologie du développement des Plantes of Jussieu Paris VI.

  • Christophe Pradal and Christian Fournier taught the Master classes "Impact de l'architecture de la végétation sur l'interception de la lumière" in the module 'Démarches de modélisation' in Montpellier SupAgro.

High School class

  • C. Godin, F. Boudon and E. Farcot gave classes about plant modeling in the context of a joint one-year project together with Yves Caraglio (UMR AMAP) and high school teachers: Marc Béziz (Mathematics), Odile Sirlin (Biology) from the Lycée Georges Pompidou, Castelnau. Occupation: 2 hours every week per over two third of the year.